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Poster of Le Diable et les Dix Commandements
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Le Diable et les Dix Commandements

Le Diable et les dix commandements
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Country France / Italy
Runtime 2 hours 0 minute
Production year 1962
World premiere September 14, 1962
Release date
September 14, 1962 France
October 9, 1962 Germany
October 14, 1963 USA
May 11, 1964 USSR
Also known as
Le diable et les dix commandements, The Devil and the Ten Commandments, Der Teufel und die zehn Gebote, El diablo y los diez mandamientos, Le Diable et les Dix Commandements, Az ördög és a tízparancsolat, De duivel en den tien geboden, Det er dejligt at synde, Devil and the Ten Commandments, Diabelskie sztuczki, Diavolo e dieci comandamanti, Djævelen og de ti bud, Djavo i deset zapovesti, Dracul şi cele zece porunci, Dyavol i desyat zapovedey, Fruto Proibido, Le diable et les 10 commandements, Le tentazioni quotidiane, O Diabo e os 10 Mandamentos, O Diabo e os Dez Mandamentos, O diavolos kai oi 10 entoles, Op een hete namiddag..., Paholainen ja 10 käskyä, Se upp för Satan!, Vi er alle syndere, Дьявол и десять заповедей, Дяволът и десетте Божи заповеди, フランス式十戒
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 14 votes
6.7 IMDb
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Le Diable et les Dix Commandements
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