1 hour 38 minutes
Production year
World premiere
June 7, 2015
Release date
October 1, 2015 |
Belarus |
October 9, 2015 |
Estonia |
November 11, 2015 |
France |
October 1, 2015 |
Kazakhstan |
October 9, 2015 |
Latvia |
November 14, 2015 |
Poland |
June 7, 2015 |
Russia |
16+ |
October 1, 2015 |
Ukraine |
Also known as
Konets prekrasnoy epokhi, Brīnišķīgā laikmeta beigas, Fin d'une magnifique époque, Imelise Ajastu Lõpp, Koniec pięknej epoki, Nuostabios epochos pabaiga, The End of a Beautiful Epoch, The End of a Great Era, The End of Beautiful Era, Конец прекрасной эпохи